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‘Observation and Experience of Legal Profession I’ -Best Report Competition-

发表时间:2018-12-04 09:24:55 编辑法政学院 浏览量;

‘Observation and Experience of Legal Profession I’


-Best Report Competition-


The College of Law and Political Science arranged the meaningful social practice events between Dec 1st and Dec 3rd 2018 as the core part of the ‘Observation and Experience of Legal Profession’ course. During the wonderful visit to the OuHai District Court, we not only had the chance to closely observe the architecture and design of the Court but also to learn better the function of the Court and the modern legal culture in China.


In order to gain your credits on this ‘Observation and Experience of Legal Profession’ course, all students need to submit a report of the impression and thought about their visit to the Court. Please find details below.


Since every student who joined the events showed their the most commendable and honorable character which are truly remarkable. Therefore, we arrange this report competition and the students with the best report will be FUNDED!


I.                   Sponsor: The College of Law and Political Science, WenZhou University.

II.                Requirement of the Report:

Write a report with the subject of the impression and thought of your visit to the OuHai District Court.

Length: 300-500 words (in English)

Hand in the printed copy of your report.

III.             Application Period & Procedure:

You MUST download the attached Assessment Form and fill in with your report;

Anyone who want to join the competition HAVE TO hand in the report by 10:00am Wednesday, Dec 5th 2018;

All the other reports need to be handed to class presidents of 16s and 17s by 16:00pm Friday, Dec 7th, 2018.


The College of Law and Political Science

WenZhou University

Dec 4, 2018

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